On November 19 Pluto leaves the sign of Capricorn after 16 years. While it has been dancing in and out of Aquarius since 2023, it makes it last pit stop at the anaretic degree.
This transit, which will last for approximately 20 years, promises to reshape our collective consciousness and usher in a new era of innovation, technology, and social change.
In archetypal astrology, we consider Pluto a transpersonal planet, referring to those that are furthest from the Sun and take the longest to orbit. They are called "transpersonal" because their influence extends beyond the individual and affects collective consciousness. Rather than Mercury, Mars, or Venus that move quickly and relate more to the personal element of archetypes.
Aquarius is an air sign associated with innovation, technology, humanitarianism, and individuality. As Pluto transits this sign, we can expect profound transformations in these areas. We may witness breakthroughs in technology, a shift towards more progressive social values, and a greater emphasis on individuality and self-expression.
What to Expect:
Technological Advancements: We may see rapid advancements in technology, particularly in areas like artificial intelligence, robotics, and virtual reality.
Social Change: This transit can bring about significant social and political change, as people challenge traditional norms and embrace new ideas.
Individuality and Rebellion: Pluto in Aquarius may encourage us to embrace our individuality and challenge the status quo.
Collective Consciousness: We may experience a heightened sense of collective consciousness and a desire for global unity.
As Pluto moves through Aquarius, it's important to be open to change and embrace the transformative energy of this transit. By aligning ourselves with the values of Aquarius, such as individuality, innovation, and humanitarianism, we can navigate this period of change with grace and ease.
Shadowy Side
Though we can't talk about Pluto without talking about its shadow, and while in Capricorn we saw authoritarianism, rigidity to tradition, and materialism. Not to mention fear--classic Capricorn--corporate control and corruption.
With Pluto in Aquarius we can still expect some shadowy elements such as:
Detachment: Aquarians can sometimes become overly detached from their emotions and the needs of others.
Eccentricity: Their unique and unconventional nature can sometimes border on eccentricity or odd behavior.
Intellectual Arrogance: Aquarians can sometimes become overly intellectual and dismissive of emotional intelligence.
Impracticality: Their focus on future possibilities can sometimes make them neglect practical matters.
Impulsive: They can be impulsive and make decisions without fully considering the consequences.
Perhaps we see this collective shift with the Trump presidency "maverick" thinking, though from where I sit I see more of the narcissistic side of Aquarius. Feeding the egos of more white men think they are unique or entrepreneurial when they seem totally disconnected from the collective experience.
Remember, while Pluto's transit can be intense, it also offers incredible opportunities for growth and evolution. My hope is that the death and rebirth cycle this shift offers moves us all towards a brighter future that would make Pluto in Aquarius proud.