1:05 p.m. PT/4:05 p.m. ET/9:06 p.m. UTC
Conjunct asteroid Juno
Conjunct South Node
Sextile Uranus
Keywords: Collective consciousness, partnerships (business and romantic), past patterns of relating or restlessness, individuation and community, creative collaborations, purification
The upcoming Aquarius new moon is also a partial solar eclipse, though mostly visible in South America and Antarctica, and the second in the series with the last full moon lunar eclipse as eclipses come in pairs (isn’t that cute). Aquarius energy invites innovation, possibility, and paving your own way. It may stir up restlessness or give us insights into unconscious aspects of ourselves we may not have been able to access before. As if a new moon eclipse weren’t enough, today Mercury and Uranus create a sextile perhaps invoking creative sparks or ideas.
This eclipse is a South Node eclipse because of its close proximity to the South Node. Associations with the South Node often remind us of places of comfort or familiarity. Be on the lookout for past patterns showing up for completion or a new beginning…in particular around relationships or partnerships.
While Aquarius tends towards individuality, this new moon is almost exactly conjunct the asteroid Juno, the ruler of romantic and business partnerships. Juno shows us where our actual motivations lie for having a partner or working with others. Juno relationships often feel weighed down with responsibility and today’s Venus sextile Saturn may add a sense of gravitas or seriousness to relationships….or the desire or resistance to commit. Seems rather perfect it is occurring the day after Valentine’s Day!
Following the thread of the past and Juno, this eclipse also occurs for most of us on February 15, the ancient Roman holiday of Lupercalia. (more on that later)
Look up which area of your chart has 27 degrees Aquarius for information about the area of life that may offer a new beginning. Don’t know your birth time, no worries? It may also be helpful to look at which planets are near 27 degrees Aquarius. Don’t know what any of this means, no worries, feel into your own sense of this new moon and what wants to be renewed.
Write down people or partnerships from that past no longer serve you and rip up or burn the paper (I prefer ripping and recycling) to release the pattern of relating.
Turn off the lights, meditate with a specific idea you want more clarity on, then turn the lights back on before writing anything down. Aquarius rules electricity and aha moments.
Decorate a glass candle with your intentions for the next lunar month, let it burn beginning at the time of eclipse until it goes out.
Questions to consider:
Where do you crave more freedom or flexibility?
Do I believe partnership and freedom can coexist?
What do you want to create? What holds you back?
What is your relationship to restless?