Friday, Feb. 10, 2017 4:33 p.m. PST // 7:33 p.m. EST 22 deg Leo
Moon conjunct North Node (makes it an eclipse!) Grand trine Moon, Saturn/Hygiea, & Eris/Uranus Moon sextile Jupiter
Like all signs, Leo has both its shadow and elevated expressions and with a Leo full moon we often tap into the unconscious or painful ways we don't feel seen or heard. The more positive, integrated expression could be us gaining a new sense of courage and confidence in our abilities and gifts we bring to the world. In my case, I was definitely struggling a lot the week before around themes of not being seen and being overlooked until I remembered the shadow of Leo is craving outside confirmation instead of cultivating inner strength. I was spending too much time looking at what was happening outside of myself and feeling small, instead of looking inside and feeling seen by myself. That lesson just never gets old (thanks never-ending Sun-Chiron lessons)!
The Moon in Leo constellates a fiery grand trine with Saturn and Hygiea in Sagittarius and Uranus and Eris in Aries. These asteroids and planets create flowing, supportive relationships with the dynamism and energy of the fire signs. Saturn & Hygiea bring stability, commitment, and health (Hygiea) to the emotions. Whereas Uranus & Eris provide their revolutionary spirit and desire to defend justice. The relationship between Uranus and Saturn could be a call to integrate the new (Uranus) with the old (Saturn) and allow them to co-exist more peacefully. The Sun in Aquarius, ruled by Uranus, and the Moon trine Uranus continue the collective focus on humankind as a whole and social justice. The Moon sextile Jupiter in Libra (opposite Uranus) could be a way for us to expand our philosophical position or create more balance within ourselves.
Every lunar eclipse and full moon offers us insight into both the collective and personal unconscious as the emotional realm accentuates the unconsciousness versus the conscious awareness of the Sun and a solar eclipse. What I have described above is the possible collective emotional field, your personal experience of this eclipse depends largely on your own chart as well as the house placement of 22 degrees Leo (the eclipse position). Notice that any planets or luminaries, the sun or moon, in relationship to any of these planets adds your unique experience of this potent time.