The next full moon occurs at 23 degrees Aries on Satur{n}day, October 15 at 9:23 p.m. PDT.
This full moon is special, and not just because it is exact my natal Aries Moon, but because it is hanging out in exact conjunction with Eris and in close quarters with Uranus and Ceres. There is a powerhouse party happening this full moon that we are all invited to--for better or for worse! The moon in fiery, Mars-ruled Aries can be both compulsive and courageous. The dwarf planet named after Aries’ sister Eris, originally named Xena, is in exact conjunction to the full moon offering this moon the warrior energy of both the masculine and feminine. Eris rules the domains of chaos and discord, but reminds us it is not without purpose. Perhaps Eris’ most important gift is her ability to honor the primal, natural cycles of seeming that is life on Earth. In tight degree with Uranus the planet of consciousness and sudden insight, we are reminded that strife is always in service of evolutionary gain. Ceres, while in slightly wider conjunction, offers its nurturing energy and reminds us we can be nurtured and nourished by the things we fight (Aries) for in hopes of change (Uranus). If you are feeling a bit more loony than normal, this is certainly a wild ride...look at the area of your chart containing 23 degrees Aries for insight about where these energies might be playing out in your life during this full phase. (photo by Scott Yonker)